
She started her blog, The Money Dreamer, when she realized the 9-5 job was not the lifestyle she wanted anymore. After designing for a while, she wanted a more meaningful life, which was freedom, so she decided to venture out. She took action so that she can live her dream life and decided to help people to live theirs by helping them how to save, budget, and invest.
Beauty Brands That Are Worth the Investment and Deliver Real Results
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Beauty Brands That Are Worth the Investment and Deliver Real Results

Beauty is expensive, and there are many beauty brands to choose from. No matter what products you use, it seems like nothing works. Beauty is a life-and-death situation for many people. You know how frustrating it is when it comes to beauty. Everyone’s skin is different, and not all products are made the same way….

You Should Think Twice About These 15 Harmless Looking Things

You Should Think Twice About These 15 Harmless Looking Things

In our daily lives, we don’t often think about certain things before we do them. There are so many things we should be careful about regarding our safety and well-being. The following are fifteen things that are much more dangerous than they seem.  1. Rushing Water We’ve all heard about the dangers of raging rivers…

10 Overpriced Goods That Fall Short of Expectations

10 Overpriced Goods That Fall Short of Expectations

The cost of living is steadily increasing worldwide, but what’s particularly interesting is how the quality of some items is steadily getting worse at the same time. In an online discussion, people shared the following ten things they’ve noticed are simultaneously becoming more expensive and of poorer quality. 1. Cable Television   “Cable television. More…

10 Life-Changing Buys Under $50 You Can’t Afford to Miss

10 Life-Changing Buys Under $50 You Can’t Afford to Miss

Have you ever purchased something for less than $50 that completely changed your life? It’s incredible how such a small purchase can have such a significant impact. On an online thread, people shared some of the cheap items that have improved their lives. 1. Curved Shower Curtain Rod “Curved shower curtain rod, surprising how much…

Experts Share the 10 Essential Items for Hurricane Season

Experts Share the 10 Essential Items for Hurricane Season

Whenever a hurricane comes, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Preparing for a storm includes ensuring you have all the right items packed. If you’ve never experienced a hurricane before, you want to make sure you have these essentials.  1. Emergency Kit  Create a well-stocked emergency kit with essential supplies, including non-perishable food,…

15 Popular Things You Won’t Remember to Use After You Buy Them

15 Popular Things You Won’t Remember to Use After You Buy Them

Do you actually use every single item you purchase? So many popular items that we buy eventually end up on a shelf collecting dust. Here are some of the most popular things people buy but rarely use: 1. Exercise Equipment We’ve all had that moment when we think the latest home gym equipment is what…

15 House Rules That Will Make You Question Your Friend’s Sanity

15 House Rules That Will Make You Question Your Friend’s Sanity

We all have our house rules that we abide by. But have you ever visited someone and been shocked by their house rules? You aren’t alone. In an online discussion, people shared the bizarre house rules they’ve encountered. 1. Eat Before You Leave The House One man shared that whenever he went to a friend’s…

If You Don’t Do These Things Don’t Worry, These 15 Things Aren’t For Everyone

If You Don’t Do These Things Don’t Worry, These 15 Things Aren’t For Everyone

Have you ever felt like society has certain expectations of you that don’t quite match up with who you are and what you want? You’re not alone. In an online discussion, many people expressed feeling this way about various aspects of life. In this article, we’ll explore some areas where society acts like something is…

If Someone Does These 15 Things, They’re Probably Not As Wealthy As They Claim  

If Someone Does These 15 Things, They’re Probably Not As Wealthy As They Claim  

Have you ever met someone who says they’re rich, but they don’t seem to act the way a rich person should? In an online discussion, several people shared the things people do that make it obvious they aren’t as rich as they claim; the following are the top fifteen.  1. Talking About Wealth There’s a…