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13 Unexpected Changes That Make Life So Much Better

Many people believe that making positive life changes has to be big and drastic, but making small changes can also make a huge difference. Sometimes, starting small sets you up for success in the future. In an online discussion, people shared the changes that have improved the quality of their lives. Here are the top fifteen.  

1. Doing the Dishes Before Bed

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Most people hate doing the dishes, but doing the dishes before bed allows you to wake up to a clean kitchen and one less item on your to-do list. A man shared his experience of how doing the dishes before bed takes him ten minutes to do, and he gets to wake up the next morning to see a beautiful and clean kitchen. Who doesn’t want to wake up to a clean and organized kitchen?

2. Being Friendly to Neighbors

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Neighbors have a bad rep for being nosy and bothersome, but making an effort to have a strong relationship with your neighbors could be the best decision you can make. A lady said that she became friends with her neighbor, whom she didn’t know was possible. Sometimes, good things happen if you take that extra step. 

3. Exercising Everyday 

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Exercising is key to a better life because it’s related to your health. Everyone has a busy life, and it can be hard to add a workout routine. Instead of focusing on doing extensive workouts every day, just try to avoid having zero days. You can start by doing baby steps. A man said that you can start doing a bit each day instead of doing nothing. You can start by doing 10 push-ups because it’s better than zero. 

4. Daily Stretches

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Stretching daily will help your body to be strong, healthy, and flexible. You can adopt a morning or evening routine because the benefits of adding daily stretches to your day are worth it. One woman remarked that stretching after a workout or regularly can do wonders for the body. Stretching is just as important as exercising. If you want a better future for yourself, you have to put in the work. 

5. Planning Outfits in Advance

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Some people struggle to get an outfit ready the next morning. Knowing what to wear always takes time. By planning your outfits the night before, you are more prepared and less stressed in the morning. Plus, you feel more relaxed since you aren’t worrying about picking an outfit. A lady mentioned how laying out her clothes before the next day saved her so much time in the morning. 

6. Turning Off Notifications 

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People are always on their phones, and they think they need to be on them every hour of the day. No one limits screen time, and everyone is getting distracted too easily these days. One way to get back on track and focus is by turning off your notifications. A lady shared that turning off notifications has helped her to focus and be productive. She only allows notifications from three people. 

7. Decluttering Regularly

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Homes can quickly become cluttered, but cleaning and decluttering regularly can make your life much easier. It keeps the house tidy and the space more organized. The more stuff you own, the more you have to clean. If you keep it simple, you don’t have to clean too much. A man got rid of his possessions since he wasn’t using them enough and it was becoming pointless.

8. Sleeping With a CPAP Machine

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If you have breathing difficulties while you sleep, a CPAP machine could improve your life. A woman finds having a CPAP every night helps her feel much better the next day.  

9. Meal Prep

rich food
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Cooking can take up a lot of time, but prepping your meals in advance can make life much easier. If you plan in advance, you don’t have to worry about cooking your meals every day. A woman finds that meal prepping is worth the time since she has breakfast and lunch for the entire week. 

10. Waking Up a Half Hour Earlier

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It can be so tough getting out of bed in the morning because being under the covers is comfortable. However, getting up a little earlier can make a huge difference because you get to enjoy the morning without rushing. A man was able to make a pot of coffee and watch the news by getting up half an hour early. 

11. Sleeping with a Mouthguard

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Using a mouthguard could be life-changing if you have issues grinding your teeth while sleeping. A mouthguard is a great investment to protect your teeth, gum, tongue, and lips. A man who often grinds his teeth while sleeping decides to make one at home and it has helped him with his sinuses and headaches. 

12. Take the Stairs

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Elevators are convenient, but taking the stairs is an easy way to stay active and will have a significant impact on your lifestyle. It may sound like a lot of work, but your body will thank you later. You will feel 100 times better than standing in the elevator. A man found that taking the stairs improves his fitness and energy level. 

This post was inspired by this thread.

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She started her blog, The Money Dreamer, when she realized the 9-5 job was not the lifestyle she wanted anymore. After designing for a while, she wanted a more meaningful life, which was freedom, so she decided to venture out. She took action so that she can live her dream life and decided to help people to live theirs by helping them how to save, budget, and invest.

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