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10 Things People Still Would Not Buy With Unlimited Wealth

10 Things People Still Would Not Buy With Unlimited Wealth

Many people daydream about winning the lottery or landing a job that would pay them more money than they would know what to do with. Invariably, people can buy whatever they want when they become super-rich. Big purchases like houses and boats would barely register as a blip on their financial radar. However, there are…

10 Most Beautiful Places in the United States
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10 Most Beautiful Places in the United States

Getting a head start on planning your next big road trip? Then look no further! From the regal redwoods of the California coast to the magnificent mountains of the Shenandoah Valley, travelers from around the world weigh in on the United States must-see-sights. 1. Olympic Peninsula Tucked in the Northwest corner of the continental United…

10 Essentials That Should Be in Every Household

10 Essentials That Should Be in Every Household

Most households have the items you expect to see in any domestic setup; a couch, television, carpet, toilet, table, etc. However, many homes don’t have several items they really should. Recently, on a popular online forum, a curious user asked, “What’s one essential everyone should have in their house?” These are some of the best…

Self-Investments People Believe Are Paying Off

Self-Investments People Believe Are Paying Off

The most significant investment may not be in luxury estates, collectibles, and precious metals, but in improving self toward personal growths that enhance our fulfillment and reach our life goals. Such stories of investments in self abound numerously for our motivational delight. Here are the best examples from a popular online community highlighting this truth….

These 25 Best Small to Mid-Size Cities Offer Peace of Mind

These 25 Best Small to Mid-Size Cities Offer Peace of Mind

Over the past 18 months, almost half of Americans either moved or thought about it.  If you look into your options, you’ll find that the most livable places in the U.S. aren’t necessarily the biggest, and sometimes they’re surprising. So if you’re one of the millions of people contemplating moving and you’re looking for a…