Where Can I Find Free Money to Start a Small Business?

Starting a business is never an easy task. It takes time, patience, effort, and of course, money. Finding resources can be difficult, but you can make something big once you do. 

What is a Small Business Grant?

A small business grant is free money to start a small business, start-up, or project funded by the government, non-profits, or other organizations to help. The grant money generally does not need to be paid back, but the organization supplying the grant money usually requires goals to be met and requirements to see progress. 

Federal Small Business Grant

The Federal government can be the first place to look for some grant money. There are various grants you could apply for. If you want free money to start a business, you must do the work to get the grant money. Do not worry if the job seems a little bit daunting. Take advantage of the opportunities and apply for the grants. 

State and Reginal Business Grant

The SBA has several agencies that help provide grant money to the state and local areas. After looking at the federal level for some grants, it is always good to check out specific state grants at the state or local. Finding free money to start a business could be right around the corner at your local Small business Development center. 

Covid-19 Small Business Grant

During the beginning of the pandemic, many businesses had to close their doors. The federal government and many other organizations came together to provide relief and opportunities to have free money to start a business.