A check is a piece of paper tied to your bank account. When you write it out to give it to a business or a person, you are sending that sum of money to the bearer.
The first and foremost is the date. At the top right corner, there is a line for the date. You'll write the current date, including the month, day, and year. However, some people will write a future date on their check, but this is not a good idea.
After you've written the date, the next thing you would see is the “Pay to the order of” or “Pay” with a blank line. On this line, you would write the name of the person or organization to whom you are issuing the check to.
You'll next see a blank box on the right. This is where you write the amount in numbers. You must enter the same amount in this section that you have written in words or plan to pay to the recipient.
You'll next see a blank box on the right. This is where you write the amount in numbers. You must enter the same amount in this section that you have written in words or plan to pay to the recipient.
The next line is the amount in words. Instead of a number, you would write it in words like “one hundred and forty dollars” instead of $140.