Adulting: Everything You Need to Know But Were Afraid To Ask

Adulting to most people is a pain because there is a lot of responsibilities. If you want something, you have to pay for it yourself right?

What does Adulting Mean?

According to the Dictionary, “Adulting is an informal term to describe behavior that is seen as responsible and grown-up."

What does Adulting Mean in Texting?

Adulting in texting is pretty much the same thing, with a slight nuance to it. Although adulting is something we need to do, we’re willing to use it in a text message to indicate a displeasing emotion

Adulting Include:

- Mailing physical items with stamps - Cooking healthy food - Doing the laundry  - Budgeting your money  - Investing your money

Adulting Include:

- Mailing physical items with stamps - Cooking healthy food - Doing the laundry  - Budgeting your money  - Investing your money

Adulting Include:

- Mailing physical items with stamps - Cooking healthy food - Doing the laundry  - Budgeting your money  - Investing your money