wasting time

10 Things You Need to Stop Wasting Time On

Many people love wasting time scrolling on social media every day. How do you want to spend your day or, more specifically, your life doing? We have twenty-four hours in a day and 365 days in a year. Most of us probably don't live our lives to the fullest, and we are constantly stuck trying to be happy. 

You end up probably wasting a lot of your time on doing things you don't love or due to laziness or procrastination. If you manage your time well and try things out, you can accomplish anything. Our lives are too short, so you don't want to regret anything. You have only one life to live, so live your dream life! 

To live your life to the fullest, you should experience a lot of things by doing, failing, and trying. 

If you just sit around watching Netflix or TikTok all day, you aren't going to accomplish anything. If you have goals and dreams, why not try to pursue them? Instead of sitting there and pondering about it, just do it! It'll only be a dream if you don't actually put in the effort.

Here are things you should stop wasting time on. 

How to Stop Wasting Time Away

1. Procrastination 

I know most of you procrastinate all the time, and it's normal. It's hard to overcome that because procrastination always beats us every time. We like to push things off to an hour or a day later. Whether it's school or work, we just want to avoid it all.

According to research, most people waste around 3 hours a day doing other things besides working. That is a lot of time people are wasting time on.

By pushing things off, it will become harder to recover from procrastination because you will spend more time than you need to. So, try to have a set schedule to prevent you from procrastinating.

By blocking out your schedule, you can be more productive where you can work efficiently. A great method to help you stop wasting time.

2. Comparing Yourself to Others 

We all do this! It's funny how we always compare each other to one another. We always want to be the best and be on top of the world. However, no matter what, there'll always be someone better than you. Don't stress yourself out by trying to be better than them. Instead, be happy and proud of them!

Someone with a lot of experience will obviously be better than you. The world has a lot of competition, so don't stress yourself out.

The more you think about it, the more unhappy you are going to be. Instead of comparing yourself to them, try to congratulate them on their accomplishments. If you want to be happy like them, you should start investing in yourself by focusing on the things you want to do in life.

3. Stop Watching TV Too Much

You will never accomplish anything by sitting on the couch and watching Netflix all day. TV can be your frenemy, and it's hard to avoid it, I know. You want to binge a show because you hate the cliffhanger. I know how most people are. The temptation is hard to resist, and you end up doing it all day, every day.

I've seen people doing it all night and get no sleep at all! Like how are you supposed to function the next day?

The more you sit on the couch or lay in bed for too long and eat junk food, you'll become unhealthy. You should be active and do other things besides watching TV. You have a lot of options you can do, and it doesn't have to be watching TV all day. You can read a book, learn how to invest, start a side hustle, take a walk, meditate, or go to the park. There's so much to do to experience life!

4. Self-Criticism 

We can be hard on ourselves because we fail for the first time. But failure is not a bad thing! Through failures, you learn. Don't dwell on the thought that you made a mistake. Just use that as an example to move forward. Whenever you do something, you know not to do it again. Stop wasting time by criticizing yourself.

Everyone makes mistakes, and it's normal because no one is perfect. The more mistakes you make the better because you get to overcome those mistakes. You get to learn who you are as a person and accept the changes you make. It'll also set you up for a positive mindset as well.

5. Gossiping 

Sometimes, you get caught up in gossip or rumors about this or that person. I know that a lot of people love to spill tea and listen to juicy information. Learn how to drink your tea instead of spilling it.

We are all guilty of gossiping, and we probably do it all the time. Instead of spreading rumors and negative energy around the room, why not inspire and help others?

Why waste your breath and energy hurting someone who has nothing to do with you? Is spreading gossip around the room going to help? You have better and more important things to do than worry about gossip.

6. Surfing the Web or Social Media 

Your phone can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Having a phone is great, so you can call and find your way. However, it can suck the life out of you when you spend a lot of screen time on it. Americans spend an average of 5.4 hours a day on their phones.

Think how much time you can do within those 5 hours! I can't believe how much the world has changed because before it used to be in front of the TV all the time. Now, people are always on the internet or social media.

Taking breaks sometimes is great, but not 5 to 10 hours.

It's hard to resist the urge to go on the internet and look up random things. Before you know it, you'll be on 30 different sites already. The same goes for social media! You'll be on for hours when it feels like 10 minutes. This is why you should set a timer for yourself so that you don't go overboard.

7. Impressing Others 

You don't have to like everyone, and everyone doesn't have to like you. We live in a world with statuses and classes, and everyone wants to look rich and wealthy. Why does it all matter whether you are poor, middle, or high class?

The more you try to impress people, the more broke you will become. I know there's a lot of peer pressure from many families. But ultimately, you are still you, and you shouldn't care what other people think about you. 

The more you think about other people's judgment, the more stressed and unhappy you are going to become. I know, I've seen it all! Don't waste time and energy to those people that don't matter to you. You just need to focus on yourself and move on.

You just need to know that you are awesome, important, and unique. Go live your life!

8. Indecision

People have to make choices in life. They can be hard, but they must be done. If you second-guess yourself or hesitate to take action, nothing will ever happen. If you want to stop wasting time, you must practice making decisions more confidently by weighing the pros and cons. When it comes to making a difficult decision, you should always trust your instincts and accept that not every decision will be perfect.

There will be tough choices in life, but that is how it is. Life is never meant to be easy. Making a decision is better than being stuck in indecision.

9. Multitasking

Everyone loves to multitask because we think it's faster that way. Instead of wasting time doing one task, why not do multiple tasks, right? However, that is wrong. While multitasking may seem efficient to many, it leads to decreased productivity and quality of work. When you juggle many tasks at once, none of your tasks will be completed. You might end up putting 30-50% into each task and making many mistakes. In the end, you might end up wasting more time than you think.

Instead of doing multiple things at once, you should focus on one thing at a time. By doing this, you can reduce mental fatigue and fix mistakes.

10. Overthinking

Overthinking things will only hurt you. Everyone loves to overthink because we are humans. Overthinking can cause you to worry about things that are unnecessary. When you overthink a lot, you can't make decision and you can't move on.

The more you overthink, the more it will be on your mental health. You won't be able to focus, and you'll feel stressed about it.

Your Past and Your Present

Sometimes, we look back at our past and aren't happy about our actions. We can't change the past, but we can change the future. Life is about growing and experiencing life. Who says we can't change? 

The world is constantly changing, so why can't we? The more you think about the past, the more stressed and anxious you will become. Just stop wasting time overthinking about it because you can't change anything. 

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She started her blog, The Money Dreamer, when she realized the 9-5 job was not the lifestyle she wanted anymore. After designing for a while, she wanted a more meaningful life, which was freedom, so she decided to venture out. She took action so that she can live her dream life and decided to help people to live theirs by helping them how to save, budget, and invest.

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