15 Tips to Get Out of a Slump and Feel Better Instantly

Do you feel like your life is at a standstill? Even the happiest and most motivated people can sometimes find themselves in a slump. Fortunately, it’s only temporary, and even if you feel hopeless right now, there are several ways to get you out of your current rut. The following are fifteen things to do when you’re in a slump.

1. Take a Deep Breath

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Accepting your feelings is the first step to getting out of a slump. Many people find it difficult to accept that they aren’t heading in the direction they want. You might feel like there’s something wrong with you or you’ve failed, but wallowing in self-pity won’t help you move forward. Pause, take a deep breath, and acknowledge your feelings.

2. Create a Reverse Bucket List

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Everyone’s heard of a bucket list, but the reverse bucket list is just as important. When people find themselves in a slump, they focus on all the things that aren’t going right in their lives. The reverse bucket list reminds you of all your accomplishments, big and small. It reminds you that the stage you’re in is only temporary, that you’ve succeeded before, and you’ll succeed again.

3. Practice Journaling 

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Journaling is an excellent way of getting to the root of your problem. Freewriting is one of the most effective ways to practice journaling. You choose a general thought or idea to write about, set a timer for yourself, and write until your time runs out without checking your spelling and grammar or reviewing what you’ve written. Just allow your thoughts to flow freely. You’ll be surprised by what you discover.

4. Take Some Time Off 

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Sometimes, the best way to deal with feeling stuck is to take a step back. Whether you’re in a slump at work, in your creative endeavors, or in your relationship, a break from your usual routine might be what you need to clarify your thoughts. A break could be sleeping in, reading a book, taking a walk, or spending time doing a hobby—whatever you need to rest and recuperate. 

5. Avoid Social Media 

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Social media is designed to keep you glued to your screen. Everyone posting the highlight reel of their lives makes it easy to compare yourself to others. If you’re in a slump, you’ll likely find yourself endlessly scrolling on social media, but this will only do more damage than anything else. Take a break from social media and focus on things that will benefit your mental health.

6. Do Something Out of The Ordinary

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If you’re in a slump, it’s time to step outside of your comfort zone. Everyone has a routine, and while there might be slight differences from day to day, generally, everyone has a typical morning, workday, and evening routine. Sometimes, you only need to do something different, like trying a new food, workout routine, or hobby, to take your mind off what’s bothering you. 

7. Practice Self-Care 

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Self-care might be the last thing on your mind if you’re in a slump. You may not feel motivated to eat healthy, exercise, or even get enough sleep. But if you want to overcome these feelings, you have to prioritize taking care of yourself. Taking care of yourself mentally and physically will give you the strength to work through your emotions and manage any challenges that come your way. 

8. Spend Time With a Loved One

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Many people tend to avoid their loved ones when they’re feeling down, but talking to people who love and support you could help more than you realize. Friends and family members could offer you the support, comfort, encouragement, and perspective you need to work through your feelings. For many people, realizing that they don’t have to deal with these negative emotions alone makes a big difference. 

9. Move Your Body

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Movement has several benefits for the physical body and can also significantly improve your mental health. Moving your body releases endorphins that help relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and boost your mood. You might think of movement as a strict exercise routine, but there are many ways to make movement fun. You could try dancing, running, yoga, or jumping rope; find what brings you joy and gets your body moving.

10. Get On a Positive Mental Diet 

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There’s the saying that misery loves company, but that doesn’t have to be true in your life. While you’re feeling down, you might be tempted to do some doomscrolling; taking in news, articles, and videos about all the terrible things happening in the world. But filling your mind with negativity will only make things worse. A positive mental diet means reading, watching, and listening to things that will uplift you, not bring you down. 

11. Help Someone Else

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Sometimes, helping someone else solve their problem is what you need to motivate yourself to solve your own. If you’re in a slump, find out if any of your friends, family members, or colleagues have something they need help with. While helping someone else get started, or even finish, what they’re working on, you’ll feel ready to tackle your own, like a jump start to your motivation. 

12. Read a Book

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Reading about the experience of someone who has been through and overcome a similar situation could help you make the necessary changes to get through yours. Find a book (or two) about dealing with getting out of a rut. Reading from the perspective of someone who’s been in your situation could make a huge difference.

13. Get Professional Help 

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Everyone has had a moment when they feel like they aren’t moving forward, but if you’re struggling to get out of a slump on your own, seeking professional help might be the best course of action. A therapist could help you to work through your feelings and uncover the underlying cause of your negative emotions. 

14. Change Your Perspective 

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Feeling stuck is a challenging mindset, but a mindset nonetheless. If you feel stuck, ask yourself: How else could you view this situation? How will you feel about this situation in a month? You could consciously change your perspective, motivating yourself to get out of your rut.

15. Set Small Actionable Goals 

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You can’t get out of a rut without a plan. If you already feel stuck, making a detailed list of plans will likely feel overwhelming and impossible. But by planning one or two small goals that are realistic and quickly achievable, you can motivate yourself to continue making positive changes. So, what can you do to move forward? 


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She started her blog, The Money Dreamer, when she realized the 9-5 job was not the lifestyle she wanted anymore. After designing for a while, she wanted a more meaningful life, which was freedom, so she decided to venture out. She took action so that she can live her dream life and decided to help people to live theirs by helping them how to save, budget, and invest.

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